less of me, More of JESUS

Normally, a person would think about things that are beneficial to him and we often forget about God. We sometimes forget that all of the things that are happening into our lives is because of our creator. This blog is intended for all who wants to be more like Christ. To think more about him and less about himself. Come and join me as we walk together with Jesus to this journey called life.

I will do all I can to update this blog from time to time. This will contain my own articles, videos, music, articles written by different authors, inspirational story and a lot more. Anything about Jesus.

This is not all about me, this is all about Him.


Thursday, May 31, 2012

Minced Oath

A friend of mine from  UK share this to me because while we are exchanging emails I've mentioned the word "Geez" so he told me that word is a spelling variation of the word "Jeez" which is used as profanity.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Jeez)

A minced oath, also known as a pseudo-profanity, is an expression based on a profanity which has been altered to reduce or remove the disagreeable or objectionable characteristics of the original expression; for example, "gosh" used instead of "God," "darn" instead of "damn","heck" instead of "hell" and "freaking" instead of "f*ck*ng". Nearly all profanities have minced variants; the words that are most taboo give rise to the most.[1]

4 Years Wasted - A personal testimony

4 Years... 4 years wasted... Within 4 years, you can already construct a new highway, grow a few centimeters, finish your masters degree in short you can accomplish many things. Have you accomplished anything for yourself in the past 4 years of your life? If yes, then good for you. I just wasted mine.

My parents raised me as a christian and taught me everything they know about God. They taught me how to fear and love God. I did. It's just not enough. We often say that we are a God-fearing person. We say that we believe in God. Well that's nice but do you know that the devil also believe and fear God? James 2:19 (NLT) says "You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror." Well, I was like this before. I fear God. I believe in him but I continue on committing sins. INTENTIONAL! Why? Simply to satisfy myself. To make me happy. Believing in him and fearing him is not enough. We should love him with all our heart, with all our soul, with all our mind. (Matthew 22:37)